sexta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2013

My business Idea

Instigated by my entrepreneurship’s teacher I started to think about some business ideas. If I want to invest my money and time in something, what would it be? I realized that, to invest in some product/service, you should believe and enjoy the idea. For this reason, I choose Brigadeiro.

Traditional Brigadeiros
For who doesn’t know, Brigadeiro is a very popular dessert in Brazil, made with condensed milk, butter and chocolate. It’s really delicious!!! It’s very difficult to find somebody who doesn’t enjoy the Brigadeiro experience. For this reason, I believe it can be an interesting business to start in Spanish market.

The traditional flavour is very attractive. However, nowadays there are many people in Brazil investing in different tastes of Brigadeiro. With this new possibility we can aggregate value for a simple and popular sweet. If I invested in brigadeiros I would start with four flavours: traditional; coffee; pistachio and cinnamon.

Different Flavour
As the first step I will do marketing between my classmates, from different countries. And then, I could define other possible tastes and layouts for packages to sell the brigadeiros. 

Different Packages
Furthermore, as I’m a journalist and don’t know many things about business, I’m following my entrepreneurship’s teacher suggestions. So, I decided I have to know how to answer the questions below:

-       What are the underlying business assumptions of your idea?

As I said before, brigadeiro is a very popular dessert in Brazil. Considering that Spanish people usually enjoy sweets, I believe it can be a perfect market. However, the underlying business of my idea considers the possibility to improve the traditional brigadeiro’s flavour. This way, brigadeiros have aggregated value, making more people enjoy this experience.
-       How would you test them?

My initial idea is to start selling brigadeiros between my IE classmates, which are from different countries. So, I will start with a small investment to see how the reaction will be. 

-       How would you evaluate them?

In this case is very easy to evaluate the success or not. In just need to observe how many brigadeiros I can sell and how long time I’ll spend doing it. After, I need to obverse the people’s reaction. However, after people try the sweet, I’ll do a quickly research about their opinions and suggestions. I can identify their preferences and tastes.

-       How would you proceed?

With their opinions in hands, I will adapt the brigadeiro’s menu and start to think about news business possibilities.

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